contact Shirley Arriaga

Representative Shirley Arriaga Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Shirley Arriaga, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Shirley Arriaga
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Shirley Arriaga
Shirley Arriaga is an American politician who is currently serving as a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives for the 8th Hampden district. She is also a Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Future Caucus. She was elected in November 2022 and assumed office on January 4, 2023.

Shirley Arriaga for Representative

Shirley Arriaga is an American politician who is currently serving as a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives for the 8th Hampden district. She is also a Co-Chair of the Massachusetts Future Caucus. She was elected in November 2022 and assumed office on January 4, 2023.

Arriaga was raised in Chicopee, Massachusetts, and she is the fourth of five children. She earned an associate degree in liberal arts and sciences from Springfield Technical Community College, a Bachelor of Arts degree in legal studies and paralegal certificate from Elms College, an associate degree in aerospace, aeronautical, and astronautical engineering from the Community College of the Air Force, and a Master of Laws from the Western New England University School of Law.

From 2010 to 2020, Arriaga served in the United States Air Force. She also worked as a veterans liaison for Congressman Richard Neal and as an educator at Chicopee High School. In early 2023, Arriaga cosponsored a bill to allow Massachusetts prisoners to earn time off from their sentences by immediately forfeiting some of their vital organs and/or bone marrow to the state.

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