contact Sam Montaño

Representative Sam Montaño Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Sam Montaño, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Sam Montaño
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Sam Montaño
Sam Montaño is a member of the Democratic Party and represents the 15th Suffolk District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Prior to being elected, Montaño worked for most of the last decade with communities in Jamaica Plain, Mission Hill, and Roxbury, advancing affordable housing, equity, and climate resistance.

Sam Montaño for Representative

Sam Montaño is a member of the Democratic Party and represents the 15th Suffolk District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Prior to being elected, Montaño worked for most of the last decade with communities in Jamaica Plain, Mission Hill, and Roxbury, advancing affordable housing, equity, and climate resistance.

Montaño served in City Year at the McCormack as their introduction to Boston. They then worked at a women’s shelter before transitioning to community organizing at the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corporation (JPNDC). Through their work and life, Montaño got to know this community from all sides. From youth work at Mildred Hailey to the 3 Main Streets to legislative advocacy to running for the Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council and more, Montaño is deeply rooted in the 15th Suffolk community.

In addition to their community work, Montaño has an academic background in anthropology, having earned a B.A. from the University of California at Los Angeles in 2013. Their career experience includes working as the director of organizing of GreenRoots, Inc., a program officer with the Massachusetts Cultural Council, and a guest advocate with the Crittenton Women’s Union.

Montaño is a queer, gender non-conforming Latina and a resident of Jamaica Plain. They are an organizer and activist who has devoted their life to the equity of everyone in their community.

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