contact Rady Mom

Representative Rady Mom Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Rady Mom, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Rady Mom
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Rady Mom
Rady Mom, born in 1970 in Pailin, Cambodia, is an American politician and a representative in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, representing the 18th Middlesex district.

Rady Mom for Representative

Rady Mom, born in 1970 in Pailin, Cambodia, is an American politician and a representative in the Massachusetts House of Representatives, representing the 18th Middlesex district. The son of a ruby miner, his family was sent to a refugee camp by the Khmer Rouge when he was 10. His family emigrated to America in 1982, sponsored by the Chester Park United Methodist Church in Duluth, Minnesota. In 1984, they moved to Lowell, Massachusetts. Rady became an American Citizen in 1990.

He attended Middlesex Community College and owns Mom’s Therapy & Herbal Center in Lowell, MA. Before going to college, he became a Buddhist Monk. His grandfather was the high priest at the Lowell Glory Buddhist Temple. He is married to Sirady and they have four children: Justin, Joee, Amelia, and Allyanna.

The district he represents was formerly represented by Kevin Murphy, who vacated his seat in 2014 when he was hired as the city manager of Lowell. Rady Mom is the first Cambodian-American to be elected to the Massachusetts state Legislature as well as the first Cambodian American elected to a state legislature in the country.

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