contact Peter Capano

Representative Peter Capano Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Peter Capano, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Peter Capano
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Peter Capano
Peter Capano is a member of the Democratic Party and serves as a State Representative for the 11th Essex District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He represents the towns of Lynn and Nahant.

Peter Capano for Representative

Peter Capano is a member of the Democratic Party and serves as a State Representative for the 11th Essex District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He represents the towns of Lynn and Nahant.

Capano serves on several committees including the Joint Committee on Cannabis Policy, Joint Committee on Housing, Joint Committee on Public Service, and the Joint Committee on Transportation. He is also the founder of the New Lynn Coalition in Lynn, a coalition that brings together over 15 community and faith-based groups, as well as various labor unions. This union aims to collectively empower the working-class community in Lynn.

In terms of his early life and education, Capano served in the United States Army from 1976 to 1979. He received a bachelor’s degree in labor studies from the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Before being elected to the state legislature in 2018, Capano served as president of Local 201 of the IUE - CWA and as a member of the Lynn City Council. Capano had been serving on the city council since 2005.

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