contact Natalie Higgins

Representative Natalie Higgins Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Natalie Higgins, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Natalie Higgins
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Natalie Higgins
Natalie M. Higgins was born on July 24, 1988. She is an American politician serving in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and is a member of the Democratic Party. Natalie is a lifelong Leominster resident, Boston-educated attorney, and former non-profit director and rape crisis counselor.

Natalie Higgins for Representative

Natalie M. Higgins was born on July 24, 1988. She is an American politician serving in the Massachusetts House of Representatives and is a member of the Democratic Party. Natalie is a lifelong Leominster resident, Boston-educated attorney, and former non-profit director and rape crisis counselor.

She is a graduate of Leominster High School, the University of Massachusetts Amherst, and the Northeastern University School of Law. As an undergraduate at UMass Amherst, she interned for Jennifer Flanagan, who was a state representative at the time. She was admitted to the Massachusetts Bar in 2014. She identifies as openly LGBT.

Natalie Higgins was elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in November 2016 and sworn in as State Representative for the 4th Worcester District (Leominster) on January 4, 2017, and reelected in 2018, and 2020. In the 2019 - 2020 Legislative session, Higgins was the Vice-Chair of the House Committee on Personnel & Administration.

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