contact Natalie Blais

Representative Natalie Blais Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Natalie Blais, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Natalie Blais
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Natalie Blais
Natalie Blais is an American politician and a member of the Democratic Party. She is the State Representative for the 1st Franklin District of Massachusetts, which covers an area of 511.3 square miles. She was elected in 2018 following the retirement of Stephen Kulik.

Natalie Blais for Representative

Natalie Blais is an American politician and a member of the Democratic Party. She is the State Representative for the 1st Franklin District of Massachusetts, which covers an area of 511.3 square miles. She was elected in 2018 following the retirement of Stephen Kulik.

Blais was sworn into office as the first female State Representative for the 1st Franklin District in January 2019. She proudly represents one of the most rural districts in the Commonwealth that includes 18 communities spanning three counties and over 450 square miles. She is the Vice-Chair of the Joint Committee on Agriculture. She is also a member of the Joint Committees on Tourism, Arts and Cultural Development; Transportation; and Ways & Means.

Prior to becoming State Representative, Natalie served as a Congressional Aide to US Representatives John Olver and Jim McGovern for a decade. She went on to become University of Massachusetts Amherst Chancellor Kumble Subbaswamy’s first Chief of Staff. Natalie also served as the Executive Director of the Franklin County Chamber of Commerce.

Natalie earned a B.A. in Political Science from Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania and an M.A. in Organizational and Political Communication from Emerson College in Boston, Massachusetts, after being awarded the Cecil and Helen Rose Ethics in Communication Scholarship.

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