contact Mindy Domb

Representative Mindy Domb Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Mindy Domb, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Mindy Domb
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Mindy Domb
Mindy Domb is a member of the Democratic Party and currently serves in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Since 2019, she has represented the 3rd Hampshire district, which includes Amherst, Pelham, and Precinct 1 in Granby.

Mindy Domb for Representative

Mindy Domb is a member of the Democratic Party and currently serves in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Since 2019, she has represented the 3rd Hampshire district, which includes Amherst, Pelham, and Precinct 1 in Granby.

Before her election in 2019, she was the executive director of the Amherst Survival Center, where she oversaw a variety of services including a food pantry, fresh food distribution, food recovery program, community meals program, free health clinic, free community store, laundry facilities, showers, and community space.

In her political career, Domb has focused on increasing investment in public higher education, addressing economic inequality and meeting basic needs, protecting the environment and responding to the climate emergency, increasing access to health care, protecting the rights of women, the LGBT community, workers, and immigrants, expanding public transit, and increasing access to voting.

In the 2021-2022 legislative session, Domb served as the Vice Chair of the Joint Committee on the Environment, Natural Resources & Agriculture (ENRA). She was also a member of the Joint Committee on Higher Education; the Joint Committee on COVID-19, Emergency Preparedness & Management; and the Joint Committee on Revenue. She was also appointed to the Special Joint Oversight Committee established to investigate the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke COVID-19 outbreak. She is currently a Commissioner on The Ellen Story Commission on Postpartum Depression and a legislative member of the Non-Emergency Human Service Transportation Task Force.

Before her political career, Domb had decades of experience as a community organizer, public health educator, nonprofit executive, trainer, program developer, advocate, and congressional aide. She has developed innovative services through partnerships, community education, and community coalitions in Western Massachusetts and across the Commonwealth.

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