contact Michelle Ciccolo

Representative Michelle Ciccolo Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Michelle Ciccolo, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Michelle Ciccolo
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Michelle Ciccolo
Michelle Ciccolo, born in 1968, is a member of the Democratic Party and represents the 15th Middlesex District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. She represents the town of Lexington, and part of Woburn.

Michelle Ciccolo for Representative

Michelle Ciccolo, born in 1968, is a member of the Democratic Party and represents the 15th Middlesex District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. She represents the town of Lexington, and part of Woburn.

Ciccolo serves on the Joint Committee on Elder Affairs, Joint Committee on Environment, Natural Resources and Agriculture, Joint Committee on Financial Services, and the Joint Committee on Public Health.

She was born and raised in Lexington, Massachusetts, and attended Lexington Public Schools. After college, she returned to Lexington and served on Town Meeting. She and her husband, Philip Jackson, have raised their two sons in Lexington.

In Lexington, Ciccolo served on the Planning Board and then as Vice Chair of the Select Board. Her government service includes three terms as President of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC), two terms as the First Vice-President of the Massachusetts Selectman’s Association on the statewide Mass. Municipal Association Board and years meeting monthly with State agency heads, the Lt. Governor and sometimes the Governor as an appointee to the Governor’s Local Government Advisory Commission.

Ciccolo has served on numerous state-wide boards specializing in Transportation, public health, and the environment. She is a noted expert in transportation circles, having been a driving force behind such important initiatives as the Statewide Complete Streets Program, the Assabet River Rail Trail and recent efforts to improve Suburban Mobility.

Currently, Ciccolo runs her own business– The Ciccolo Group, LLC —a small consulting firm which specializes in planning, community development, municipal management, permitting, and real estate management.

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