contact Michael Moran

Representative Michael Moran Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Michael Moran, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Michael Moran
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Michael Moran
Michael J. Moran, born on February 23, 1971, is an American state legislator serving in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He is the House Majority Leader, having formerly served as the Assistant Majority Leader. He is also a Brighton resident and a member of the Democratic Party. Moran was first elected to the chamber in a special election in April 2005.

Michael Moran for Representative

Michael J. Moran, born on February 23, 1971, is an American state legislator serving in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. He is the House Majority Leader, having formerly served as the Assistant Majority Leader. He is also a Brighton resident and a member of the Democratic Party. Moran was first elected to the chamber in a special election in April 2005.

He assumed the office of Majority Leader of the Massachusetts House of Representatives on February 10, 2023, preceded by Claire D. Cronin. Before this, he was a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives from the 18th Suffolk district since April 2005, preceded by Brian P. Golden.

Moran is a graduate of the University of Massachusetts, Boston. His work in the legislature includes a focus on issues such as consumer protection, elder affairs, election laws, and higher education.

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