contact Marc Pacheco

Senator Marc Pacheco Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Senator Marc Pacheco, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Marc Pacheco
Position Senator
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact senator Marc Pacheco
Marc Pacheco, a member of the Democratic Party, serves in the Massachusetts State Senate, representing the 3rd Bristol and Plymouth District. He officially took office on January 4, 2023, and his present term is scheduled to conclude on January 1, 2025.

Marc Pacheco for Senator

Marc R. Pacheco is a member of the Democratic Party and a long-standing figure in Massachusetts politics. Born on October 29, 1952, in Taunton, Massachusetts, he has dedicated over three decades to public service at local, state, regional, national, and international levels. His political career began with his election to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1988. He then moved to the Massachusetts Senate in 1992, representing the Third Plymouth and Bristol District. As the longest continuously-serving member of the Senate, he holds the honor of serving as Dean of the Massachusetts Senate.

Throughout his tenure, Senator Pacheco has held various leadership roles and served on numerous legislative committees. He currently serves as the Chair of the Senate Committee on Post Audit and Oversight, Senate Chair of the Joint Committee on Emergency Preparedness & Management, Senate Vice Chair of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities, & Energy, Founding Chair & Current Member of the Standing Senate Committee on Global Warming & Climate Change, and Member of the Joint Committees on State Administration and Regulatory Oversight.

Senator Pacheco’s legislative efforts have been wide-ranging, supporting initiatives to spur job creation and economic growth, preserve the environment and support the clean energy economy, protect the rights of veterans, women, and senior citizens, increase civic engagement, and foster the creation of global economic partnerships. In 2007, he was selected by Al Gore to become a Climate Leader, a role that involves increasing awareness around climate change and encouraging action to prevent its worst effects.

In addition to his legislative duties, Senator Pacheco has worked to strengthen the Commonwealth’s ties with foreign leaders and create economic partnerships to benefit the citizens of Massachusetts. His leadership in economic development and commitment to global partnerships have earned him national and international recognition. He has served on the Massachusetts District Export Council, the Federal Home Loan Bank of Boston, the New England Board of Higher Education, and the Massachusetts-Québec Research Council. His dedication to public service continues to shape the future of the Commonwealth.

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