contact Danielle Gregoire

Representative Danielle Gregoire Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Danielle Gregoire, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Danielle Gregoire
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Danielle Gregoire
Danielle W. Gregoire born on April 17, 1979, in Framingham, Massachusetts is an American state legislator serving in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. She is a Marlborough resident and a member of the Democratic Party.

Danielle Gregoire for Representative

Danielle W. Gregoire is an American state legislator serving in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. She is a Marlborough resident and a member of the Democratic Party.

Born on April 17, 1979, in Framingham, Massachusetts, Gregoire is a lifelong resident of Marlborough, MA and a graduate of the Marlborough Public School system. She received her bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice from St. Anselm College in Manchester, New Hampshire, graduating Cum Laude. After graduating, she served as a legislative aide to State Representative Stephen P. LeDuc.

While working for Representative LeDuc, Gregoire attended night classes at Suffolk University Law School where she graduated in 2006. She passed the Massachusetts bar exam and is a member of the MA Bar.

In 2007, Gregoire was a candidate to represent Ward 2 on the Marlborough City Council. She lost her challenge to incumbent City Councilor Paul Ferro by 74 votes. In 2008, she ran to succeed her former boss in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. Gregoire received 9,044 votes defeating Republican challenger Arthur G. Vigeant and Independent challenger Joseph Valianti.

In 2010, Gregoire narrowly lost her reelection bid to Republican challenger Steven L. Levy. Gregoire and Levy faced off again in a rematch for the 4th Middlesex district seat in 2012, this time Gregoire edged out Levy by 214 votes. She has been reelected to the seat in 2014, 2016, 2018, 2020 and 2022.

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