contact Carol Doherty

Representative Carol Doherty Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Carol Doherty, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Carol Doherty
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Carol Doherty
Carol Doherty, affiliated with the Democratic Party, is a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, representing the 3rd Bristol District. She officially assumed office on June 10, 2020, and her current term is set to conclude on January 1, 2025.

Carol Doherty for Representative

Born in Fall River, Carol Doherty has lived in Taunton since 1965. She is the daughter of an immigrant family. Her mother came to America at the age of four from the island of Madeira and her father’s family came from Cape Verde.

Her career and community service have focused primarily on education, including teaching at the Bennett Elementary School in Taunton and later serving as a Guidance Counselor. She was elected President of the Massachusetts Teachers Association, serving in that position for two consecutive terms. She was later appointed Director of Professional Development in the School of Education at Northeastern University where she remained for 18 years. In her position at Northeastern she was responsible for connecting University resources and expertise to local school districts to help them provide quality professional development to teachers and administrators. Carol Doherty is serving in her fifth term on the Taunton School Committee.

Carol Doherty’s volunteer activities include co-hosting the Silver City Meetinghouse radio program on WVBF in Taunton, a show dedicated to promoting civil dialogue on the issues facing the local community. She is also founder of the Taunton Community Gardens and serves on the Board of Directors of the Downtown Taunton Foundation, which supports small business owners in the city’s central business district, and TRIUMPH, Inc., the community’s Headstart early childhood initiative. She is a member of the Taunton Area Kiwanis Club, Taunton Lodge of Elks, Prince Henry Society, and the Board of the Taunton Area Community Table, a food pantry for local residents.

Doherty earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Boston University and a Master’s Degree in Education and Guidance from Bridgewater State College.

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