contact Adrianne Ramos

Representative Adrianne Ramos Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Adrianne Ramos, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Adrianne Ramos
Position Representative
State Massachusetts
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Adrianne Ramos
Adrianne Ramos is a member of the Democratic Party and represents the 14th Essex District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. She assumed office on January 4, 2023, and her current term ends on January 1, 2025.

Adrianne Ramos for Representative

Adrianne Ramos is a member of the Democratic Party and represents the 14th Essex District in the Massachusetts House of Representatives. She assumed office on January 4, 2023, and her current term ends on January 1, 2025. Ramos ran for election to the Massachusetts House of Representatives to represent the 14th Essex District and won in the general election on November 8, 2022.

Adrianne Ramos earned a B.S. in international affairs from the University of Maine in 2001 and a J.D. from New England Law | Boston in 2007. Her career experience includes working as a partner with Prince Lobel Tye LLP and Fayez & Ramos, PLLC, an attorney with the Law Office of Adrianne P Ramos, PLLC, and a family law attorney with the Tahirih Justice Center.

Adrianne is a skilled litigator who was named one of Boston Magazine’s Top Lawyers for 2021. She is a Partner at the law firm Prince Lobel. Over the course of her legal career, Adrianne has defended victims of domestic violence, advocated for public policy changes through a nonprofit organization, and helped countless families through difficult legal matters. A member of the Women’s Bar Association Amicus Brief Committee, Adrianne has collaborated to write amicus briefs in pivotal appeals matters impacting public policy.

Adrianne lives in North Andover with her husband Adam, their children, Sarah, Lilly and Avery, and their labradoodle Marshall. Her children attend North Andover Public Schools. Adrianne was raised in Abington, Massachusetts. She attended law school in Boston prior to settling in the Merrimack Valley. Her husband was raised in the Bradford area of Haverhill, where he and his family have owned a small business providing essential child care services for more than 20 years.

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