contact Tracy Quint

Representative Tracy Quint Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Tracy Quint, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Tracy Quint
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Tracy Quint
Tracy Quint is a Republican politician from Maine, who serves as the state representative for District 7. He assumed office on December 7, 2022. His current term ends on December 4, 2024.

Tracy Quint for Representative

Tracy Quint, an American politician hailing from Hodgdon, Maine, presently serves as the representative for the 8th district in the Maine House of Representatives. Her political journey began in 2020 when she was elected under the banner of the Republican Party.

Professionally, Quint is a registered nurse, bringing a healthcare perspective to her legislative role. In a notable turn of events in September 2020, she stepped into the political arena when incumbent Representative Gregory Swallow withdrew from the race for the 144th district’s House seat. Running on a platform that prioritized combatting obesity, supporting small businesses, and upholding the Second Amendment, Quint secured victory with 68 percent of the vote, defeating Democrat Kathryn Harnish.

In March 2021, Quint made headlines by introducing a bill to ban mandates of the COVID-19 vaccine in Maine until 2024. Despite claiming that the measure was “not an anti-vaccine bill” and emphasizing concerns about reproductive harm, the bill faced criticism. A subsequent attempt in 2022 to introduce similar legislation was rejected by a legislative committee.

Quint’s stance on COVID-19 vaccination mandates was further highlighted when she spoke at a rally protesting such mandates for Maine healthcare workers in August 2021. The event stirred controversy, with some critics accusing it of validating false and dangerous claims about vaccines.

In November 2022, Tracy Quint secured re-election to the Maine House of Representatives, earning an impressive 72.8% of the vote. Beyond her political endeavors, Quint is a married individual with two children, balancing her public service with her personal life.

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