contact Tammy Schmersal-Burgess

Representative Tammy Schmersal-Burgess Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Tammy Schmersal-Burgess, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Tammy Schmersal-Burgess
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Tammy Schmersal-Burgess
Tammy Schmersal-Burgess, affiliated with the Republican Party, holds a seat in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 77.

Tammy Schmersal-Burgess for Representative

Representative Tammy Schmersal Burgess, representing Mexico, is currently in her inaugural term in the Maine House, serving District 77, which includes the towns of Livermore (Part), Canton, Dixfield, Hartford, Mexico, and Peru. Tammy is an integral member of the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources.

Beyond her legislative role, Rep. Schmersal-Burgess is a dedicated barber and stylist, owning and operating her own small business in Mexico. An avid sportswoman, Tammy is affiliated with the National Rifle Association, the Sportsmans Alliance of Maine, and the Webb River Valley Sportsman Club. Actively engaged in her community, she contributes her time to organizations such as the Fraternal Order of Eagles, Mexico Historical Society, and the American Legion. Additionally, Tammy volunteers at the River Valley Recreational Center.

A graduate of Mexico High School and the Mr. Richards Hair Academy, Rep. Schmersal-Burgess brings a diverse background to her legislative and community service endeavors.

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