contact Reagan Paul

Representative Reagan Paul Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Reagan Paul, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Reagan Paul
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Reagan Paul
Reagan Paul is a Republican politician who serves as a state representative for District 37 in the Maine House of Representatives. She was elected in November 2022, defeating Democrat Margaret English-Flanagan. She is a member of the Bills in the Second Reading Committee and the Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee.

Reagan Paul for Representative

Reagan Paul is a Republican politician who serves as a state representative for District 37 in the Maine House of Representatives. She was elected in November 2022, defeating Democrat Margaret English-Flanagan. She is a member of the Bills in the Second Reading Committee and the Energy, Utilities and Technology Committee.

Paul was born in Maine and lives in Winterport. She graduated from Liberty University in 2020 with dual bachelor’s degrees in Christian entrepreneurship and digital marketing/advertising. She is a self-employed business owner and partner in a telecom consulting company. She is also a basketball coach and a volunteer at Living Waters Bible Conference. She is a Christian and was named after President Ronald Reagan.

Paul is a constitutional conservative who advocates for limited government, lower taxes, individual liberty, and pro-life policies. She supports the Second Amendment, school choice, and religious freedom. She opposes the Green New Deal, critical race theory, and vaccine mandates. She is a vocal critic of Governor Janet Mills and the Democratic majority in the legislature.

Paul is one of the youngest members of the Maine House of Representatives and has been described as a rising star in the Republican Party. She has a large following on social media, where she posts updates on her legislative work and personal life. She has also appeared on local and national media outlets to discuss various issues. She is considered a potential candidate for higher office in the future.

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