contact Nathan Carlow

Representative Nathan Carlow Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Nathan Carlow, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Nathan Carlow
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Nathan Carlow
Nathan Michael Carlow is an American politician affiliated with the Republican Party. He is currently serving as a member of the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 137. This district includes the towns of Hollis and Buxton. Notably, during his first term from 2020 to 2022, Carlow was the youngest member of the Maine House.

Nathan Carlow for Representative

Nathan Michael Carlow is an American politician affiliated with the Republican Party. He is currently serving as a member of the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 137. This district includes the towns of Hollis and Buxton. Notably, during his first term from 2020 to 2022, Carlow was the youngest member of the Maine House.

Born on May 18, 1999, Nathan Carlow faced personal tragedy early in life when his father died by suicide. Despite this, he pursued an education at Bonny Eagle High School and later attended the University of Southern Maine, where he studied political science.

Carlow’s political career began when he was elected to the Maine School Administrative District 6 Board of Directors while still a high school student. He continued his involvement in politics and was elected to the Maine House while attending university.

In his political tenure, Carlow has been active in legislative matters. He authored a bipartisan letter that urged Maine officials to ease COVID-19 restrictions in schools. He also introduced legislation titled “An Act Authorizing an Increase to the Maximum Annual Fund Balance for Public School Districts,” which was unanimously approved by both the Maine House and Senate and signed into law by Governor Janet Mills.

Outside of his legislative duties, Carlow resides in Buxton and continues to serve on the Maine School Administrative District 6 Board of Directors as its Chairperson. He works as an accountant and is actively involved in community service, holding positions such as the Secretary/Director of Public Relations of the Portland Kiwanis Club, Chairperson of the Buxton Republican Committee, and a former student representative to the University of Maine System Board of Trustees and the Board of the Maine Association for Middle Level Education. Nathan Carlow’s commitment to public service and his community is evident through his various roles and contributions to the state of Maine.

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