contact Morgan Rielly

Representative Morgan Rielly Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Morgan Rielly, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Morgan Rielly
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Democratic
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Contact representative Morgan Rielly
Morgan J. Rielly is an American politician and author who is currently serving his second term as a member of the Maine House of Representatives, representing part of Westbrook in District 127. He is a member of the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee.

Morgan Rielly for Representative

Morgan J. Rielly is an American politician and author who is currently serving his second term as a member of the Maine House of Representatives, representing part of Westbrook in District 127. He is a member of the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee.

Born and raised in Westbrook, Maine, Rielly attended Westbrook High School. During his high school years, he served as a Student Representative on the Westbrook City Council for two years. He went on to graduate from Bowdoin College, where he double-majored in religion and government. At Bowdoin, he was a member of the men’s varsity crew team and received a fellowship to work for a non-governmental organization assisting Syrian and Iraqi refugees in Amman, Jordan.

Rielly is also an accomplished author, having published his first book in 2014, which featured interviews with Maine veterans of World War II. His second book, co-authored in 2021 with Reza Jalali, profiles more than 20 Maine immigrants.

In the Legislature, Rielly has been active in sponsoring legislation to expand service programming, including the creation of the Maine Climate Corps and the Maine Service Fellows program, a state-based rural service corps. His efforts in expanding service programming earned him the State Service Leadership Award from America’s Service Commissions in 2021. He is also the founder and co-chair of the State Service Caucus, a bipartisan coalition of state legislators advocating for service programming across the country.

Rielly’s legislative focus includes supporting Maine’s veterans and members of the Maine National Guard, promoting civics education, expanding opportunities for Mainers to serve their communities, protecting Maine’s environment and working waterfronts, and providing relief to families, older Mainers, and working-class Mainers with affordable health care and housing.

Outside of his legislative duties, Rielly works as a farmhand on an oyster farm in Casco Bay. His commitment to public service and community engagement is evident in both his legislative initiatives and his personal endeavors.

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