contact Michael Lemelin

Representative Michael Lemelin Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Michael Lemelin, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Michael Lemelin
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Michael Lemelin
Michael Lemelin, affiliated with the Republican Party, holds a seat in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 53 encompassing the towns of Chelsea, Pittston, Randolph, and Dresden.

Michael Lemelin for Representative

Representative Michael Lemelin, hailing from Chelsea, is presently in his second term as the representative for House District 53, encompassing the towns of Chelsea, Pittston, Randolph, and Dresden. A committed public servant, he is concurrently in his second term on the 131st Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Health and Human Services, where he passionately advocates for individuals with disabilities.

A Brunswick High School graduate, Rep. Lemelin pursued further education in Aerospace Engineering, and his professional journey led him to become a skilled commercial airline pilot. Currently serving as the business manager at Chiro-Works in Hallowell, alongside his wife, Dr. Kelly Lemelin, who practices chiropractic care, he brings a diverse background to his role.

Rep. Lemelin’s civic engagement extends beyond legislative duties; he previously chaired the Chelsea Planning Board, contributed to the RSU 12 school board, and is an active member of the Knights of Columbus. In his personal life, Michael and Dr. Kelly Lemelin are proud parents to three children: Christian, Michelle, and Joseph.

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