contact Matt Moonen

Representative Matt Moonen Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Matt Moonen, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Matt Moonen
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Matt Moonen
Matthew Moonen is a dedicated public servant who has tirelessly represented the interests of Maine's working families in the state legislature. A member of the Democratic Party, he currently serves as the State Representative for District 117, encompassing part of the city of Portland.

Matt Moonen for Representative

Matthew Moonen is a dedicated public servant who has tirelessly represented the interests of Maine’s working families in the state legislature. A member of the Democratic Party, he currently serves as the State Representative for District 117, encompassing part of the city of Portland.

Early Life and Education:

Moonen’s passion for public service stems from his own upbringing. Born on May 9th, 1984, he grew up in a working-class family in Portland, Maine. Witnessing the challenges faced by ordinary citizens ignited a desire within him to advocate for their well-being.

He pursued his education with the same unwavering commitment, earning a Bachelor’s degree from Northwestern University in 2006. This academic foundation equipped him with the analytical and critical thinking skills necessary to navigate the complex world of politics.

Political Career:

Moonen’s political career began in earnest in 2012 when he was elected to the Maine House of Representatives for District 118. He served three consecutive terms in this district, establishing himself as a vocal advocate for progressive policies. He focused on issues such as affordable healthcare, economic development, and environmental protection.

In 2018, Moonen was elected Majority Leader of the Maine House of Representatives, a testament to his leadership skills and the respect he commanded among his colleagues. He played a pivotal role in advancing critical legislation, ensuring that the voices of working families were heard throughout the legislative process.

Following term limits, Moonen sought to expand his reach by running for Maine Secretary of State in 2020. While he ultimately fell short in this bid, his campaign further solidified his reputation as a rising star in Maine politics.

In 2022, Moonen successfully returned to the Maine House of Representatives, this time representing District 117. He currently serves as the Chair of the influential Judiciary Committee, demonstrating the trust and confidence placed in him by his peers.

Legislative Priorities:

Moonen’s legislative priorities remain firmly rooted in his commitment to working families. He continues to champion policies that promote economic opportunity, address climate change, and ensure access to quality healthcare for all Mainers.

His work on the Judiciary Committee focuses on protecting the rights of individuals and ensuring fair application of the law. He is a strong advocate for criminal justice reform and believes in upholding the principles of justice and equality for all.

Beyond the Legislature:

Moonen’s dedication to public service extends beyond his official duties. He actively engages with his constituents, regularly attending community events and town hall meetings to hear their concerns firsthand. He also serves on the boards of several non-profit organizations, demonstrating his commitment to giving back to the community that has shaped him.

Looking Ahead:

Matthew Moonen represents a new generation of leadership in Maine politics. His unwavering dedication to serving the people, coupled with his intelligence, integrity, and unwavering commitment to progressive values, positions him as a rising star with a bright future ahead. As he continues to champion the cause of working families, Moonen will undoubtedly leave a lasting impact on the state of Maine.

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