contact Mark Walker

Representative Mark Walker Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Mark Walker, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Mark Walker
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Mark Walker
Representative Mark Walker affiliated with the Republican Party, is currently in his first term in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 84, which encompasses the towns of Baldwin, Naples, Sebago, and part of Standish.

Mark Walker for Representative

Representative Mark Walker is currently in his first term in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 84, which encompasses the towns of Baldwin, Naples, Sebago, and part of Standish. Within the 131st Legislature, Mark actively serves on the Joint Standing Committee on Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement, and Business.

Rep. Walker earned his B.S. in Industrial Materials and Processes in 1979, followed by the completion of his MBA in 2006. Over his extensive professional journey, he has fulfilled roles as a shop teacher, carpenter, and meat cutter. However, his primary focus has been on sales and general management within small businesses, accumulating nearly 40 years of experience.

Together with his wife, Priscilla, Rep. Walker is the proud parent of three children and enjoys the company of ten grandchildren. In his leisure moments, Mark finds solace in playing acoustic guitar and delving into subjects such as history, philosophy, social theory, and religion through his reading.

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