contact Marc Malon

Representative Marc Malon Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Marc Malon, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Marc Malon
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Democratic
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Contact representative Marc Malon
Marc Malon is a member of the Democratic Party serving his first term in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 133.

Marc Malon for Representative

Marc Malon is a member of the Democratic Party serving his first term in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 133. He resides in Biddeford with his wife, Jennifer, and their two daughters. Before his tenure as a lawmaker, Malon worked in various legislative roles, including as the legislative liaison for the Maine Attorney General’s Office and as a legislative aide for both the Maine Speaker of the House and the Maine Senate Democratic Office. His political career also includes serving as the party affairs director of the Maine Democratic Party.

In addition to his legislative work, Malon has been actively involved in political and issue advocacy campaigns, notably those aimed at protecting the Affordable Care Act and same-day voter registration. His commitment to his community is evident through his role as the chair of the Biddeford Recycling and Waste Management Commission and his membership in IBEW Local 1837.

Malon’s educational background includes a master’s degree in political science from American University. As a state representative, he serves on the Labor and Housing Committee and the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee, where he addresses a range of issues from labor laws and working conditions to veterans’ programs and election laws.

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