contact Lynne Williams

Representative Lynne Williams Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Lynne Williams, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Lynne Williams
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Lynne Williams
Lynne Williams, an accomplished American lawyer and politician hailing from Maine, proudly serves as a Democratic representative for District 14 in the Maine House of Representatives, with her roots deeply embedded in Bar Harbor.

Lynne Williams for Representative

Lynne Williams, an accomplished American lawyer and politician hailing from Maine, proudly serves as a Democratic representative for District 14 in the Maine House of Representatives, with her roots deeply embedded in Bar Harbor.

Williams’s foray into the political landscape includes a notable run in 2010 when she sought the nomination for Governor under the Maine Green Independent Party. Despite facing challenges in garnering sufficient signatures for ballot inclusion and qualifying for public financing, her commitment to public service persisted. As an alternative, Williams became the Green Independent nominee for State Senate, where she engaged in a spirited campaign but ultimately lost to Brian Langley.

Educationally, Lynne Williams has pursued a diverse and comprehensive path. She commenced her academic journey by earning a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from Merrimack College in 1972. Subsequently, she delved into experimental psychology, attaining an M.A. from the Graduate Center of the City University of New York in 1975. Williams further expanded her academic repertoire by achieving a Doctor of Philosophy in social psychology from the University of Southern California in 1981. Undeterred by the breadth of her accomplishments, she concluded her formal education with a Juris Doctor from Golden Gate University School of Law in 1998.

Lynne Williams’s biography reflects a multifaceted individual, seamlessly combining a profound academic background with a fervent dedication to political advocacy. As she continues to represent District 14 in the Maine House of Representatives, her journey stands as a testament to the intersection of legal expertise and public service.

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