contact Lynn Copeland

Representative Lynn Copeland Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Lynn Copeland, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Lynn Copeland
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Lynn Copeland
Lynn Copeland is a member of the Democratic Party serving her second term in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 130. She is a member of the State and Local Government Committee.

Lynn Copeland for Representative

Lynn Copeland is a member of the Democratic Party serving her second term in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 130. She is a member of the State and Local Government Committee. Her professional background includes working as a legal assistant at Bernstein Shur in the firm’s litigation and labor and employment practice groups.

Copeland has a history of public service, having served two terms as a Saco City Councilor representing Ward 4. During her tenure, she was the council liaison to various commissions and served as the chairwoman of the Saco Conservation Commission. She has also been involved in community service as a licensed therapeutic foster parent, Girl Scout Leader, Cub Scout Committee Chair, and editor of a PTA newsletter.

In addition to her legislative duties, Copeland is committed to assisting her constituents with navigating state agencies, providing legislative sentiments, and engaging in legislative matters. Her office is known for offering services such as congratulatory letters and flags flown over the State House. Copeland is also recognized for her community service, having received the Barnett L. Shur Community Service Award.

Before her political career, she had diverse experiences, including working as a customer service representative at L.L. Bean, a quality coach, and in problem resolution. She is a former board member of Adoptive and Foster Families of Maine (AFFM) and the Maine Outdoor Adventure Club (MOAC), and a graduate of the City of Saco Police Department’s Citizens’ Police Academy. Copeland’s commitment to public service is evident in her varied roles and contributions to her community and state.

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