contact Laura Supica

Representative Laura Supica Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Laura Supica, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Laura Supica
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Laura Supica
Laura Supica, affiliated with the Democratic Party, serves as a member of the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 22. She officially took office on December 7, 2022, and her current term is slated to conclude on December 4, 2024.

Laura Supica for Representative


Laura Supica, a Democratic politician hailing from Maine, presently holds the position of state representative for District 22 and serves as the House chair of the Veterans and Legal Affairs Committee. Originally from California, she relocated to Maine in 2010. Supica has a diverse professional background, having worked in retail and food service. Additionally, she contributed to the Bangor City Council.

Deeply engaged in her community, Supica serves as a board member for various local organizations with a focus on aging, mental health, recovery, and downtown development. She and her husband, Chris, along with their pets, make their home in Bangor.

Having assumed office on December 7, 2022, Laura Supica, a member of the Democratic Party, is committed to representing District 22 in the Maine House of Representatives. Her current term is set to conclude on December 4, 2024. In the 2022 general election, Supica successfully ran for re-election to the Maine House of Representatives, securing victory on November 8, 2022.

In terms of her professional background, Supica brings valuable experience as an executive assistant with the office of the Maine Secretary of State. Beyond her political responsibilities, she actively volunteers with organizations such as the Eastern Area Agency on Aging and the Mabel Wadsworth Center, showcasing her dedication to community service.

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