contact Larry Dunphy

Representative Larry Dunphy Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Larry Dunphy, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Larry Dunphy
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Larry Dunphy
Larry Dunphy, a member of the Republican Party, serves as the representative for District 72 in the Maine House of Representatives. He officially began his tenure on December 7, 2022, and his present term will conclude on December 4, 2024.

Larry Dunphy for Representative

Representative Larry Dunphy of Embden is currently in his first term of his fourth, non-consecutive, tenure representing the expansive House District 72. This district comprises an extensive list of towns, including Athens, Harmony, Anson, Bingham, Caratunk, Embden, Moscow, Northeast Somerset, Pleasant Ridge Plantation, Ripley, Seboomook Lake, Solon, Big Six Township, Dole Brook Township, Elm Stream Township, Indian Stream Township, Long Pond Township, Moxie Gore Township, Parlin Pond Township, Pittston Academy Grant Township, Sandbar Tract Township, Sandy Bay Township, Sapling Township, Taunton & Raynham Academy Grant Township, Tomhegan, Concord Township, Lexington Township, Rockwood Strip, Rockwood Strip T1, Rockwood Strip T2, Seboomook Township, and Central Somerset.

Rep. Dunphy actively contributes to the legislative process as a member of the Joint Standing Committee on Energy, Utilities, and Technology. He brings valuable experience to this role, having previously served on the committee, including a period as the Ranking Member.

Larry pursued his education at New Hampshire Technical Institute and has accumulated 34 years of experience as a consultant in the pulp and paper industry. Beyond his professional life, he shares a family with his wife, Cynthia, and their three children: Tyler, Heidi, and Christopher. In his leisure time, Larry’s interests are diverse, ranging from piloting aircraft and powered parachutes to coaching and engaging in outdoor activities such as skiing, bicycling, kayaking, and trekking. His multifaceted background and commitment to public service reflect a rich and varied life experience.

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