contact Kelly Murphy

Representative Kelly Murphy Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Kelly Murphy, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Kelly Murphy
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Kelly Murphy
Kelly Murphy, a member of the Democratic Party, is currently serving her first term in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 125.

Kelly Murphy for Representative

Kelly Murphy, a member of the Democratic Party, is currently serving her first term in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 125. A native of Scarborough, she is honored to represent her friends and neighbors in the legislature. Kelly Murphy is a dedicated professional in the field of education, working as a school-based behavioral healthcare professional and a 1:1 educational technician in a special education preschool program.

Her commitment to public service is evident through her previous roles, including two terms on the Scarborough Board of Education, where she actively volunteered in local schools and coached youth sports through Scarborough Community Services. She also played a significant role in the Wentworth School Building Project and is the founder and chair of the board of directors for Scarborough Community Thanksgiving.

Kelly Murphy’s educational background includes a Bachelor’s degree in English from Catholic University, obtained in 1997, and a J.D. from Catholic University’s Columbus School of Law, earned in 2000 with a focus on labor and employment law. She resides in Scarborough with her husband and their three young adult children.

In the Maine House, she serves on the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee, where she contributes her expertise to shape policies related to education, cultural affairs, and other important issues impacting the state of Maine.

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