contact Kathy Javner

Representative Kathy Javner Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Kathy Javner, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Kathy Javner
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Kathy Javner
Cathy Javner is a Republican politician who serves as a member of the Maine House of Representatives from the 29th district. She was first elected in 2018 and re-elected in 2022.

Kathy Javner for Representative

Cathy Javner is a Republican politician who serves as a member of the Maine House of Representatives from the 29th district. She was first elected in 2018 and re-elected in 2022.

Cathy Javner was born and raised in Chester, Maine. She graduated from Bethany Global University in 1995. She has three children and lives in Chester. She is a member of the House Health and Human Services Committee and the Marine Resources Committee. She is passionate about issues such as health care, education, veterans, and rural development. She is also a supporter of the Second Amendment and pro-life causes.

Some of the bills that she sponsored or co-sponsored include:

LD 142: An Act To Prohibit the Use of Vaccine Passports in Maine LD 181: An Act To Establish the Maine Fairness in Cost-sharing Act LD 205: An Act To Require That Comprehensive Substance Use Disorder Treatment Be Made Available to Maine’s Incarcerated Population LD 216: An Act To Protect the Privacy of Online Customer Information

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