contact Jim Dill

Representative Jim Dill Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Jim Dill, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Jim Dill
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Democratic
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Contact representative Jim Dill
James F. Dill, an American entomologist, politician, and professor hailing from Maine is a member of the Democratic Party. Dill currently represents Maine House of Representatives District 26, encompassing Bradley, the Penobscot Nation Voting District, and Old Town.

Jim Dill for Representative

James F. Dill, an American entomologist, politician, and professor hailing from Maine, is a prominent figure known for his expertise in insect pests and pioneering contributions to integrated pest management (IPM). As a member of the Democratic Party, Dill currently represents Maine House of Representatives District 26, encompassing Bradley, the Penobscot Nation Voting District, and Old Town.

Dill’s political journey commenced in 2010 when he was first elected to the Maine Legislature, representing House District 14 for two terms. Subsequently, in 2014, he transitioned to Senate District 5, completing an impressive fourth term in the Maine Senate in 2022.

Beyond his political commitments, Dill is an esteemed professional in the field of entomology. He holds both a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in entomology from the University of Maine, along with a Ph.D. in entomology from Purdue University (1979). Since 1981, Dill has served as a pest management specialist for the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. In this capacity, he coordinates crucial programs such as the Extension Diagnostic and Research Laboratory, Integrated Pest Management, and Pesticide Safety Education. Dill is also recognized as the state of Maine’s first Integrated Pest Management coordinator. In 2021, his outstanding contributions were acknowledged with the University of Maine Presidential Public Engagement Award.

Dill’s legislative service includes representation of Maine Senate District 5, located in Penobscot County. In addition to his professional and political roles, he actively engages in community service, serving on the boards of both the Regional School District 34 and Maine Vocational Region #4 since 2003. Residing in Old Town, Maine, Dill is also a proud member of the Orono-Old Town Kiwanis. His personal journey includes overcoming challenges, as he has been treated for Lyme disease twice.

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