contact Jack Ducharme

Representative Jack Ducharme Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Jack Ducharme, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Jack Ducharme
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
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Contact representative Jack Ducharme
Representative John “Jack” Ducharme of Madison is currently in his second term, representing House District 71, encompassing the towns of Madison, Norridgewock, and Cornville.

Jack Ducharme for Representative

Representative John “Jack” Ducharme of Madison is currently in his second term, representing House District 71, encompassing the towns of Madison, Norridgewock, and Cornville. He is an active member of the 131st Legislature’s Joint Standing Committee on Appropriations and Financial Affairs, having previously served on the Joint Standing Committee on Innovation, Development, Economic Advancement, and Business.

Jack pursued his education at Thomas College, where he earned his B.S. in Business Administration. Following a successful career in the banking industry, he transitioned into real estate, currently serving as a Realtor®. In addition to his legislative duties, Rep. Ducharme is deeply involved in his community, holding the position of Chairman of the Board for HealthReach and serving as Treasurer of the Anson Madison Water District. Notably, he contributes to the cultural fabric of his hometown, Madison, as the Choir Director at St. Sebastian Catholic Church.

Family is central to Jack’s life, as he and his wife, Denise, are proud parents of two children, Joseph and Benjamin. During his leisure moments, Jack finds enjoyment in supporting his favorite football team, the New England Patriots. His multifaceted engagement reflects a commitment to public service, community well-being, and personal interests.

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