contact Holly Sargent

Representative Holly Sargent Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Holly Sargent, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Holly Sargent
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Holly Sargent
Holly Sargent is a member of the Democratic Party serving her first term in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 147. She is a member of the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee.

Holly Sargent for Representative

Holly Sargent is a member of the Democratic Party serving her first term in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 147. She is a member of the Education and Cultural Affairs Committee. Holly is the founder and CEO of Doing Good While Doing Well, a consulting firm that focuses on building bridges among nonprofits, social entrepreneurs, and philanthropists. She is also the founding director of the Harvard Women’s Leadership Board.

Previously, Holly served as the senior associate dean for strategy and external affairs at the Harvard Kennedy School and as the executive director for development of the Rhodes Trust. She has been an active community member, serving as the president of the York Rotary Club, vice chair of the Community Auditorium Building Committee, and founder of the York Chapter of Together Women Rise. Additionally, she is a member of the International Women’s Forum of Maine, serves on the board of the Maine Recovery Fund, and is an honorary board member of the Gulf of Maine Research Institute.

Holly has also contributed to her faith community as the senior warden and chair of the capital campaign for St. George’s Episcopal Church and as a former member of the Diocesan Council of the Episcopal Diocese of Maine. She resides in York with her husband, Robert, and they have two grown children.

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