contact Holly Eaton

Representative Holly Eaton Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Holly Eaton, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Holly Eaton
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Holly Eaton
Holly Eaton, a dedicated member of the Democratic Party, currently serves as the representative for District 15 in the Maine House of Representatives. Her journey in public service began when she assumed office on December 7, 2022, with her current term slated to conclude on December 4, 2024.

Holly Eaton for Representative

Holly Eaton, a dedicated member of the Democratic Party, currently serves as the representative for District 15 in the Maine House of Representatives. Her journey in public service began when she assumed office on December 7, 2022, with her current term slated to conclude on December 4, 2024.

Believing in the power of representation, Eaton, affiliated with the Democratic Party, embarked on a successful electoral campaign for the Maine House of Representatives, vying to advocate for the constituents of District 15. The culmination of her efforts was realized on November 8, 2022, when she emerged victorious in the general election.

Hailing from Deer Isle, Maine, Holly Eaton has woven a rich tapestry of experiences and contributions. In 1999, she earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in English language and literature from Regis College, marking the commencement of her academic journey. Professionally, Eaton has demonstrated versatility in her career, serving as the director of communications for The New England Institute for Teacher Education and contributing as a community coordinator with the Penobscot East Resource Center.

As a resident of Deer Isle, Holly Eaton’s commitment to her community is evident not only through her role in the Maine House of Representatives but also in her multifaceted career experiences. With a foundation in literature and a passion for effective communication, Eaton brings a unique perspective to her legislative duties. Her biography unfolds as a testament to the fusion of academic achievement, professional engagement, and a fervent dedication to the betterment of her community through public service.

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