contact Gregory Swallow

Representative Gregory Swallow Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Gregory Swallow, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Gregory Swallow
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Gregory Swallow
Gregory Swallow is a Republican politician from Maine, who serves as the state representative for District 7. He assumed office on December 7, 2022. His current term ends on December 4, 2024.

Gregory Swallow for Representative

Gregory Swallow is a Republican politician from Maine, who serves as the state representative for District 7. He assumed office on December 7, 2022. His current term ends on December 4, 2024.

Swallow lives in Houlton, Maine, with his wife Kristy. He has five children, nine grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. He earned a B.A. in economics from the University of Maine in 1981. His career experience includes working in the insurance marketing industry.

Swallow is a member of the Health Coverage, Insurance and Financial Services Committee. He ran for election to the Maine House of Representatives to represent District 7 in 2022, and won in the general election. He is passionate about lowering taxes, reducing regulations, and increasing local control. He is also a supporter of veterans, seniors, and rural communities.

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