contact Dick Bradstreet

Representative Dick Bradstreet Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Dick Bradstreet, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Dick Bradstreet
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Dick Bradstreet
Representative Richard Bradstreet, hailing from Vassalboro, is currently in his fourth term as the representative for House District 61, encompassing the town of Vassalboro and a portion of Sidney.

Dick Bradstreet for Representative

Representative Richard Bradstreet, hailing from Vassalboro, is currently in his fourth term as the representative for House District 61, encompassing the town of Vassalboro and a portion of Sidney. Actively contributing to legislative endeavors, he holds positions on both the 131st Legislature’s Joint Standing Committees on Labor and Housing and the Select Committee on Housing. In previous terms, Rep. Bradstreet demonstrated his versatility by serving on the Judiciary Committee and the Labor and Housing Committee.

A graduate of Lawrence High School, Mr. Bradstreet furthered his education, earning a degree from Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, in 1973. His professional journey led him to the ownership and operation of Bradstreet Homes, a manufactured and modular home retailer, from which he retired. Currently, he channels his expertise as a part-time executive director of a housing association.

Beyond his legislative and professional pursuits, Dick, as he is known, has been actively involved in various community roles. He served as the former School Board Chairman for SAD 49, contributes to the Vassalboro town Budget Committee, and holds positions on the Finance and Elder Board for Faith Church in Waterville.

In his leisure time, Dick finds joy in reading, traveling, and indulging in his passion for sports. His multifaceted engagement reflects a lifelong commitment to public service and community welfare.

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