contact David Woodsome

Representative David Woodsome Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative David Woodsome, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name David Woodsome
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative David Woodsome
David Woodsome, commonly known as Woody, is a member of the Republican Party currently serving in the Maine House of Representatives for District 139. He assumed office on December 7, 2022, and his term is set to end on December 4, 2024.

David Woodsome for Representative

David Woodsome, commonly known as Woody, is a member of the Republican Party currently serving in the Maine House of Representatives for District 139. He assumed office on December 7, 2022, and his term is set to end on December 4, 2024. Prior to his election to the House of Representatives, Woodsome was elected to the Maine State Senate representing District 33.

Woodsome’s career experience includes working as a teacher, which has provided him with a unique perspective on education and community service. His commitment to public service is also reflected in his committee assignments, which have included the Leaves of Absence Committee, Environment and Natural Resources Committee, and Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee.

A resident of Waterboro, Maine, Woodsome has been actively involved in his community, participating in local organizations such as Kesar Falls Fish & Game. His interests extend to farming, managing woodlots, and enjoying outdoor activities like hunting and fishing. Woodsome is known for his dedication to representing the interests of his constituents and working towards the betterment of his district and the state of Maine.

As a legislator, Woodsome has been involved in sponsoring and supporting various bills, reflecting his commitment to the legislative process and his constituents’ needs. His approach to governance is characterized by a focus on environmental stewardship, educational excellence, and community engagement.

David Woodsome’s journey in politics, from a teacher to a state representative, showcases his passion for service and leadership. His tenure in the Maine House of Representatives continues to be marked by his efforts to address the challenges and opportunities facing his district and the state.

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