contact Chad Perkins

Representative Chad Perkins Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Chad Perkins, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Chad Perkins
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Chad Perkins
Chad Perkins is a Republican politician who serves as a state representative for District 31 in the Maine House of Representatives. He was elected to this position in November 2022, defeating the incumbent Democrat Richard Evans. He is a member of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.

Chad Perkins for Representative

Chad Perkins is a Republican politician who serves as a state representative for District 31 in the Maine House of Representatives. He was elected to this position in November 2022, defeating the incumbent Democrat Richard Evans. He is a member of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee.

Perkins lives in Dover-Foxcroft, Maine, with his wife. He is a veteran of the U.S. Army and has worked as a consultant and in law enforcement. He is passionate about supporting veterans, public safety, and economic development in his district.

Perkins ran for the same seat in 2020, but lost to Norman Higgins, an independent who later switched to the Democratic Party. He decided to run again in 2022, citing his dissatisfaction with the state’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic and the need for more conservative voices in the legislature.

Perkins is one of the youngest members of the Maine House of Representatives, and he hopes to bring a fresh perspective and energy to his role. He is committed to listening to his constituents and working across party lines to find solutions for the challenges facing Maine.

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