contact Cameron Reny

Senator Cameron Reny Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Senator Cameron Reny, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Cameron Reny
Position Senator
State Maine
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact senator Cameron Reny
Cameron Reny, an American politician, currently holds the position of Maine Senator for the 13th district. She officially took office on December 7, 2022.

Cameron Reny for Senator

Sen. Cameron Reny grew up in a working-class family in Bristol. Her parents worked a variety of jobs to pay the bills, and she learned early the value of hard work. Now raising two young children here in Lincoln County, she feels stronger than ever that it is our responsibility to preserve a sustainable future for all Mainers to thrive.

As an educator and lifelong resident of Lincoln County, Sen. Reny understands the challenges of working people and families. As a certified school counselor, she guides young people and their caregivers to develop the social, emotional, and communication skills they need to be successful. She also acts as a resource for parents needing assistance, and helps find sustainable solutions to problems by engaging stakeholders in every step of the process.

Sen. Reny always knew she wanted to leave the world better than she found it. That’s what drew her to school counseling as a career. Through her experience as an educator, community advocate, union member, and leader of professional associations, Sen. Reny has worked at local, school, district, and state-wide levels to solve problems, support equitable policies, and advocate for children and families.

Sen. Reny is serving her first term in the Maine Senate.

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