contact Billy Bob Faulkingham

Representative Billy Bob Faulkingham Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Billy Bob Faulkingham, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Billy Bob Faulkingham
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Republican
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Contact representative Billy Bob Faulkingham
William "Billy Bob" Faulkingham, an American politician, member of the Republican Party and seasoned fisherman, has been a prominent figure in the Maine House of Representatives, representing the 12th district since 2022.

Billy Bob Faulkingham for Representative

William “Billy Bob” Faulkingham, an American politician and seasoned fisherman, has been a prominent figure in the Maine House of Representatives, representing the 12th district since 2022. A member of the Republican Party, Faulkingham holds the esteemed position of Minority Leader in the lower house, building on his prior service in the 136th district from 2018 to 2022.

Faulkingham’s journey into the world of lobster fishing commenced at the tender age of three, learning the ropes alongside his father. His educational pursuits led him to obtain a plumbing certificate from Southern Maine Technical College, and he further dedicated a part of his life to the United States Marine Corps from 1999 to 2002. Currently, Faulkingham is a self-employed fisherman, drawing on his deep-rooted connection to the maritime industry.

Entering the political arena in 2018, Faulkingham secured a seat in the Maine House of Representatives from the 136th district, a role he has continued to excel in. In 2022, he transitioned to represent the 12th district, triumphing over Independent candidate Roy Gott with 60.4% of the vote. Additionally, Faulkingham assumed the mantle of House Minority Leader, a testament to his leadership within the Republican caucus. His official swearing-in for both roles took place on December 7, 2022.

Faulkingham’s involvement extended beyond state politics when he appeared in a television advertisement supporting former Republican congressman Bruce Poliquin’s 2022 campaign. The advertisement featured criticism of incumbent Democrat Jared Golden. The omission of Faulkingham’s identity as a Republican state legislator seeking reelection sparked criticism, with Poliquin’s campaign asserting compliance with Maine campaign finance laws.

In his personal life, Faulkingham is a resident of Winter Harbor, Maine, and is married to Carrie Faulkingham. The couple is blessed with three children. Notably, Faulkingham has faced legal challenges, including a guilty plea in 2003 for criminal mischief and disorderly conduct, as well as a DUI conviction in 2008.

In a dramatic turn of events, on September 15, 2023, Faulkingham’s lobster boat capsized due to treacherous seas ahead of Hurricane Lee. Fortunately, he and another individual were rescued by fellow lobster boats, escaping a potentially perilous situation as the hurricane approached Nova Scotia.

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