contact Allison Hepler

Representative Allison Hepler Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Allison Hepler, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Allison Hepler
Position Representative
State Maine
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Allison Hepler
Allison Hepler, a member of the Democratic Party, is currently serving in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 49. She assumed office on December 7, 2022, and her current term ends on December 4, 2024.

Allison Hepler for Representative

Allison Hepler, a member of the Democratic Party, is currently serving in the Maine House of Representatives, representing District 49. She assumed office on December 7, 2022, and her current term ends on December 4, 2024. Prior to this, she held office in the Maine House of Representatives District 53.

Hepler lives in Woolwich, Maine. She earned a Ph.D. in history from Temple University in 1996 and has had a diverse career. She worked as a history professor at the University of Maine at Farmington and has been affiliated with the Woolwich Historical Society, the Woolwich Select Board, and the Patten Free Library.

In addition to her political career, Hepler is a retired professor who taught history at the University of Maine at Farmington. She is the author of “McCarthyism in the Suburbs: Quakers, Communists and the Children’s Librarian.” She has also worked as a printer, a retail store and office coordinator, a magazine production assistant, and a steelworker. She is part-owner of her husband’s wooden boat building and repair business in Small Point, Phippsburg.

Hepler has served on several committees during her tenure, including the Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Committee, the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee, and the Marine Resources Committee, where she served as Chair. She was last elected on November 8, 2022, when she won the general election for Maine House of Representatives District 49.

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