contact Steve Bartels

representative Steve Bartels Contact information

Here you will find contact information for representative Steve Bartels, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Steve Bartels
Position representative
State Indiana
Party Republican
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Contact representative Steve Bartels
State Rep. Stephen Bartels (R-Eckerty), represents House District 74, which includes all of Crawford, Perry and Spencer counties, and portions of Dubois and Orange counties.

Steve Bartels for representative

State Rep. Stephen Bartels (R-Eckerty), represents House District 74, which includes all of Crawford, Perry and Spencer counties, and portions of Dubois and Orange counties.

He served nine years as a law enforcement officer in Indiana and has 22 years of military service, four years enlisted and 18 years as a commissioned officer, retiring as a Major.

Bartels is the owner and operator of Patoka Lake Marina, Inc., and is the owner and vintner of Patoka Lake Winery, Inc.

He has served eight years on the Crawford County Tourism Board, including three as president, and seven years on the Crawford County Council, where he’s in his third year as president. Bartels also is a former director of the Crawford County Chamber of Commerce, and served two years as interim director for Crawford County Economic Development.

Bartels is the governor’s appointee to the Indiana 15 Regional Planning Commission and is a board member of Radius Indiana, a regional economic development partnership representing eight counties in Southern Indiana.

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