contact Maureen Bauer

Representative Maureen Bauer Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Representative Maureen Bauer, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Maureen Bauer
Position Representative
State Indiana
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact representative Maureen Bauer
Maureen Bauer, a member of the Democratic Party, serves in the Indiana House of Representatives, representing District 6. She began her term on November 4, 2020, and her current tenure is slated to conclude on November 6, 2024.

Maureen Bauer for Representative

State Representative Maureen Bauer was born and raised in the same South Bend neighborhood she lives in today. The daughter of two former South Bend public school teachers and a graduate of John Adams High School and Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI), Maureen is committed to supporting our public school teachers and students. She is currently serving on the Indiana University South Bend Advisory Board.

Her current legislative work at the Indiana House of Representatives includes serving as Ranking Minority Member of the Agriculture and Rural Development Committee and as a member of the Judiciary Committee as well as the Environmental Affairs Committee.

Maureen brings to her role crucial public service experience gained from four years working on the staff of the Indiana House of Representatives. During that time, she helped develop a groundbreaking system in the Indiana Legislature that increased transparency and allowed easier and more accessible communication between constituents and their elected officials.

Maureen has worked in sustainable agriculture including work in small vineyards and cellars in the Lake Michigan area, and the only vineyard in South Bend. She has invested in the area by starting her own business working with small vineyards and grape growers.

Rep. Bauer is currently the co-chair of the Indiana General Assembly’s Rural Caucus. Maureen serves as a member of the Indiana Corn Marketing Council and is the 2022 Indiana State Lead of the National Conference of Environmental Legislators (NCEL).

On her own time, Maureen likes to hike, travel and spend time with her family, including her five nephews and her dog, Willie.

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