contact Martin Carbaugh

representative Martin Carbaugh Contact information

Here you will find contact information for representative Martin Carbaugh, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Martin Carbaugh
Position representative
State Indiana
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Martin Carbaugh
Martin Carbaugh, born on October 28, 1979, and affiliated with the Republican Party, is an American politician who has served in the Indiana House of Representatives from the 81st district since 2012.

Martin Carbaugh for representative

Representative Martin Carbaugh is a lifelong resident of Fort Wayne making him the perfect man to represent his community. He has been an elected Precinct Committeeman in Allen County and is also a member of the National Association of Insurance and Financial Advisors and the National Federation of Independent Business. His district includes a portion of central Allen County as well as the northwestern portion of Fort Wayne.

For more than 15 years, Rep. Carbaugh has helped business owners and families plan for their financial futures and he wants to use his experience to help Indiana continue on a fiscally conservative track. A top priority is to create and bring jobs to Indiana by concentrating on reducing regulations in Indiana that hinder workforce progress and supporting a competitive tax code.

Rep. Carbaugh and his wife Sally have two daughters, Katelyn and Grace. In his free time he volunteers with Junior Achievement to teach students basic financial knowledge. He is a member of the Concordia Lutheran Church. He enjoys working with constituents from his area to secure a positive future for House District 81 as well as Indiana.

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