contact Ed Clere

representative Ed Clere Contact information

Here you will find contact information for representative Ed Clere, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Ed Clere
Position representative
State Indiana
Party Republican
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Contact representative Ed Clere
State Representative Ed Clere is serving his fourth term in the Indiana House of Representatives. He represents 72nd District most of Floyd County, including the city of New Albany and Georgetown. Representative Clere serves on the House Ways and Means, Education and Public Policy committees.

Ed Clere for representative

State Representative Ed Clere is serving his fourth term in the Indiana House of Representatives. He represents 72nd District most of Floyd County, including the city of New Albany and Georgetown. Representative Clere serves on the House Ways and Means, Education and Public Policy committees.

In addition, he is a legislative appointee to the board of Indiana’s CHOICE program, a state-funded program that helps seniors and people with disabilities stay in their home and avoid institutional care. He is also a legislative appointee to the boards of the Indiana School for the Deaf and the Indiana State Museum and Historic Sites Corporation, and to the Lewis and Clark Bicentennial Commission.

A 2010 graduate of the Bowhay Institute for Legislative Leadership Development, a program for newer legislators offered by the Midwestern office of the Council of State Governments, Representative Clere is now co-chair of the program’s steering committee. He also serves on Counsel of State Governments’ (CSG) Health Public Policy Committee; the Health and Human Services Committee of CSG’s Midwestern Legislative Conference; and the National Conference of State Legislatures’ Health Committee.

Representative Clere coaches youth soccer and serves on the board of the New Albany-Floyd County Habitat for Humanity affiliate and the Cardinal Ritter Birthplace Foundation. He also serves on the LifeSpan Resources Advisory Council and the Floyd County Community Corrections Advisory Board. He is a former member of the board of Develop New Albany, the city’s Main Street organization. An advocate of historic preservation, he serves on a revolving loan committee for Indiana Landmarks, a statewide nonprofit organization. He is a graduate and member of Leadership Southern Indiana.

Representative Clere has been recognized for a number of awards, including Indiana Optometry’s Outstanding Service in the Public Interest Award (2013); Indiana Association of Area Agencies on Aging Legislative Champion (2012); Rotary Club of New Albany Vocational Service Award (2012); National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association Citation for Distinguished Service (2012); Habitat for Humanity of Indiana Volunteer of the Year (2011); and Indiana Chamber of Commerce Small Business Champion (2010).

Representative Clere earned a bachelor’s degree in sociology at Indiana University Southeast. He has worked as a Realtor since 2001. As a Realtor, he has earned the ABR, CRS and GRI designations and has served on the board of the Southern Indiana Realtors Association. Representative Clere and his wife, Amy, a teacher, live in New Albany. They have five children.

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