contact Cindy Ledbetter

representative Cindy Ledbetter Contact information

Here you will find contact information for representative Cindy Ledbetter, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Cindy Ledbetter
Position representative
State Indiana
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact representative Cindy Ledbetter
Cindy Ledbetter, a member of the Republican Party, is an American politician and nurse practitioner serving as a member of the Indiana House of Representatives from the 75th district. She assumed office on November 4, 2020.

Cindy Ledbetter for representative

State Rep. Cindy Ledbetter was elected to serve House District 75 in 2020. Currently pursuing her doctorate, she has earned both her Masters and Bachelor of Science in nursing from the University of Southern Indiana and associate degree in nursing from Ivy Tech Community College.

Ledbetter has 30 years of combined medical, business and administrative experience. She has worked in local hospitals, owned a manufacturing company and restaurant and consulted on several projects for non- and for-profit organizations. She now works at an outpatient care clinic providing counseling and medication management services.

Ledbetter lives in Newburgh and has a blended family of four adult children.

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