contact Megan Dahle

Assemblymember Megan Dahle Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Assemblymember Megan Dahle, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Megan Dahle
Position Assemblymember
State California
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact assemblymember Megan Dahle
Megan Elizabeth Dahle, born on July 29, 1975, is an American politician serving as a member of the California State Assembly. A Republican, she represents the 1st State Assembly district, which encompasses all or part of 9 counties in the northeastern corner of California, from Lake Tahoe to the Oregon border, including the northern Sierra Nevada region.

Megan Dahle for Assemblymember

Megan Elizabeth Dahle, born on July 29, 1975, is an American politician serving as a member of the California State Assembly. A Republican, she represents the 1st State Assembly district, which encompasses all or part of 9 counties in the northeastern corner of California, from Lake Tahoe to the Oregon border, including the northern Sierra Nevada region.

Before her political career, Megan was involved in agriculture. She and her husband are dry land wheat farmers. The wheat they grow is processed for seed, which is sold to local farmers and wholesalers alike. As a part of their business, she runs the trucking division to transport grain across the state. Until 2012, Megan was a co-owner of Big Valley Nursery in Bieber.

In 2019, her husband, Brian, won a special election for a seat in the California State Senate, leaving his State Assembly seat vacant. Dahle won a special election to fill that vacant Assembly seat, defeating Democratic candidate Elizabeth Betancourt. She was re-elected in 2020 and 2022.

Megan Dahle has served on several committees including Education, Water, Parks, and Wildlife, Appropriations, Environmental Safety & Toxic Materials, Governmental Organization, and many others.

Megan and her husband have three children.

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