contact Josh Newman

Senator Josh Newman Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Senator Josh Newman, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Josh Newman
Position Senator
State California
Party Democratic
email Email Form
Contact senator Josh Newman
Josh Newman is an American politician affiliated with the Democratic Party. Currently serving in the California State Senate, he represents the 29th Senate District, which includes portions of Los Angeles, Orange, and San Bernardino counties.

Josh Newman for Senator

Josh Newman’s roots trace back to the East Coast, specifically New York State, where he spent his formative years in the quaint city of Poughkeepsie. Situated about an hour and a half north along the Hudson River from bustling New York City, this small town provided the backdrop for his upbringing. Josh’s father, a dedicated general surgeon, not only managed a thriving practice specializing in veins and arteries but also contributed to emergency room care in two local hospitals. Meanwhile, his mother played an active role in community affairs, ascending to the position of President of the local school district during Josh’s middle school years and later assuming the role of mayor after Josh and his sister had completed their college education and moved away.

Following his graduation from Yale University, where he majored in History with a focus on 20th Century politics and government, Josh embarked on a military career as an artillery officer in the United States Army. His assignments included service with a nuclear weapons unit in South Korea and a conventional artillery battalion in the 25th Infantry Division based in Hawaii.

Post-military service, Josh made the transition to California from Hawaii. His professional journey has been diverse, encompassing roles in local government, public affairs, marketing, film and television production, and Internet media technology.

In 2012, driven by a commitment to supporting fellow military veterans, Josh founded ArmedForce2Workforce, an initiative designed to assist young veterans in securing meaningful, career-oriented employment upon completing their military service and returning to the Greater Los Angeles/Orange County area. Frustration with the perceived lack of government support for these veterans fueled Josh’s decision to enter the realm of public service.

In 2016, he successfully ran a grassroots campaign for the California State Senate, representing the 29th Senate District, which spans 16 cities across three counties. Josh’s platform centered on principles of service, common sense, and accountability for the district’s residents.

During his tenure in the State Senate, Josh demonstrated effective leadership by guiding more than 20 pieces of legislation that bolstered veteran services, improved mental health resources, enhanced local schools, stimulated job creation, and preserved open spaces.

Josh Newman prides himself on being an active, accessible, and accountable public servant, prioritizing constituents over politics and championing the interests of working families over special interests. Currently residing in Fullerton with his wife Darcy and their young daughter, their household is completed by four rescue Chihuahuas – quirky but lovable additions to their family.

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