contact Joaquin Arambula

Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Assemblymember Joaquin Arambula, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Joaquin Arambula
Position Assemblymember
State California
Party Democratic
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Contact assemblymember Joaquin Arambula
Dr. Joaquin Arambula was elected in 2016 to represent the 31st Assembly District in Fresno County in the Central Valley. He is the first Latino physician elected to the California State Assembly.

Joaquin Arambula for Assemblymember

Dr. Joaquin Arambula was elected in 2016 to represent the 31st Assembly District in Fresno County in the Central Valley. He is the first Latino physician elected to the California State Assembly.

He proudly represents a district that includes most of the City of Fresno, the rural cities of Fowler, Sanger, Selma, Orange Cove, and Parlier, and unincorporated communities in the southern and eastern portions of Fresno County.

Arambula’s experience as an emergency room doctor in Selma forged his determination to improve health care for all people, especially the most vulnerable. He saw the emotional toll and financial hardships of people struggling with illnesses that could have been prevented with access to quality health care.

In the Assembly, Dr. Arambula served as Chair of Assembly Budget Subcommittee No. 1 on Health and Human Services from 2016 to June 2023, focusing on improving healthcare access and affordability and ensuring the protection of safety net programs for working families. For example, by collaborating with advocates, he’s been a prime force in gaining full-scope Medi-Cal for all income-eligible adults, regardless of immigration status. During the COVID-19 pandemic, he worked with community partners to deliver free vaccinations and food distributions to rural and underserved communities.

In other areas, Assemblymember Arambula has worked diligently to address the critical shortage of doctors and medical providers in the Central Valley, to expand workforce development programs and opportunities; and to support veterans and service members.

He also has obtained millions of dollars for the 31st Assembly District to benefit its communities. These efforts include securing $70 million for Transformative Climate Communities to invest in disadvantaged communities; $18 million for State Route 269 in Huron; $15 million for the San Joaquin River Conservancy to increase public access and shape the river into a regional gem; $10.5 million to improve public safety in the cities of Selma, Huron, Firebaugh, and Mendota; $6 million for the CalFood Program to assist local food banks; $2 million to Fresno City College for its Career and Technical Education program; and $1 million to Reedley College for its Aviation Maintenance Technology Program.

In addition, Assemblymember Arambula, in the 2022-23 State Budget, secured $18.75 million for Fresno State as part of the State’s investment in the California State University system’s farms; $15 million to support and expand Accountable Communities for Health, which includes the Fresno Community Health Improvement Partnership; $7 million to Arte Américas in Fresno for building renovations and program expansion for the only Latino cultural arts center in the Central San Joaquin Valley; $5 million for the City of Fowler ($4 million for a new Police Department and a Senior Center and $1 million for renovation of the Fowler Improvement Association Clubhouse); $4 million to Fresno State for new Mobile Health Units; $3 million to the Fresno Regional Workforce Development Board for the ValleyBuild program; $2.75 million to the Fresno County Fire Protection District to help fund a new fire station and equipment; and more.

Arambula was born in Delano, the heart of the farmworker movement, and grew up in Fresno, where he attended public schools. He graduated from Bowdoin College in Maine and the University of Minnesota Medical School. He returned to Fresno after graduation to serve his community as a doctor.

His parents, Juan and Amy Arambula instilled in their children a commitment to hard work, purpose, and public service. Juan is a former Assembly member, and Amy is a healthcare advocate.

Dr. Joaquin Arambula and his wife, Elizabeth, have three daughters.

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