contact Devon Mathis

Assemblymember Devon Mathis Contact information

Here you will find contact information for Assemblymember Devon Mathis, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Devon Mathis
Position Assemblymember
State California
Party Republican
email Email Form
Contact assemblymember Devon Mathis
Devon Mathis has represented California’s 33rd Assembly District since 2014. Before joining the Assembly, Devon served his country for 10 years as a Sergeant in the Army National Guard, including two tours in Iraq.

Devon Mathis for Assemblymember

Devon Mathis has represented California’s 33rd Assembly District since 2014. Before joining the Assembly, Devon served his country for 10 years as a Sergeant in the Army National Guard, including two tours in Iraq. During his second tour in Iraq, Devon was severely injured in a roadside bomb attack, for which he was awarded a Purple Heart. He holds a master’s degree in strategic public relations from George Washington University, a bachelor’s degree in public administration from Fresno State, and an associate degree in social sciences from Porterville College. Devon lives with his family in the South San Joaquin Valley.

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