contact Kristi Noem

governor Kristi Noem Contact information

Here you will find contact information for governor Kristi Noem, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Kristi Noem
Position governor
State South Dakota
Party Republican
Born November 30, 1971
Entered Office January 8, 2019
Terms1 January 8, 2019 - Current
Terms 2
Mailing Address 500 East Capitol Street Pierre, SD 57501
Phone number 605/773-3212
fax 1 605/773-4711
email Email Form
contact Governor Kristi Noem
Governor Kristi Noem is a wife, a mother, and a lifelong rancher, farmer and small business owner. In 2010, after serving in the South Dakota legislature for several years, Gov. Noem was elected to serve as South Dakota’s lone member of the U.S. House of Representatives. In 2018, with the platform of protecting South Dakotans against tax increases, government growth, federal intrusion, and government secrecy, she was elected as South Dakota’s first-ever female Governor. Gov. Noem often says that her greatest accomplishment is raising her three children, Kassidy, Kennedy, and Booker, with her husband Bryon.

Kristi Noem for governor

On This Page

Governor Kristi Noem is a wife, a mother, and a lifelong rancher, farmer and small business owner.

In 2010, after serving in the South Dakota legislature for several years, Noem was elected to serve as South Dakota’s lone member of the U.S. House of Representatives. During her time in Congress, in addition to many other successes, Governor Noem helped pass the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which put $2,400 back in the pockets of the average South Dakota family.

In 2018, with the platform of protecting South Dakotans against tax increases, government growth, federal intrusion, and government secrecy, she was elected as South Dakota’s first-ever female Governor.

As Governor, Noem has respected the rights of her people by trusting them to exercise their personal responsibility to make the best decisions for themselves, their loved-ones, and – in turn – their communities. This approach has been most evident in her response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Governor Noem never ordered a single business or church to close and never issued a statewide shelter-in-place order.

Despite all of this, Governor Noem often says that her greatest accomplishment is raising her three children, Kassidy, Kennedy, and Booker, with her husband Bryon. All have a deep love for their family and an even deeper love for the Lord.

Advancing Agriculture

Agriculture is the foundation of South Dakota’s economy and our number one industry, by a significant margin. All in all, it contributes about $32.1 billion to the economy, accounting for almost 30 percent of South Dakota’s total economic output. So when ag prospers, South Dakota prospers; when droughts hit or markets slide, everyone feels that, too.

Connecting South Dakota

In 2021, the Legislature approved a $75 million investment in broadband infrastructure. Together with private and federal funds, this will ensure that every South Dakotan has access to high-speed internet.

Equipping our National Guard

South Dakota has a strong legacy of military service. With over 72,000 veterans and more than 4,200 enrolled members of the National Guard, our state understands the importance of answering the call to serve. Year after year, our National Guard is recognized nationally as an example to the nation for readiness, efficiency, and superiority.

Leading the Way in Cybersecurity

Ransomware. Cyber bullying. Phishing. Hacking. Data leakage. You don’t need to be an expert in cybersecurity to know that as technology advances, so do the risks to our businesses, our personal identities and finances, and our children.

Enhancing Habitat

Pheasant hunting season is a major economic engine for South Dakota and a significant contributor to tourism, our second largest industry. Each year, 81,000 non-resident hunters flock to our state for hunting season and spend more than $156 million in our restaurants, hotels, gift shops, and gas stations. That money makes a real difference for families and small businesses.

Battling the Meth Epidemic

One of my top priorities as Governor has been to aggressively battle the meth epidemic and create a stronger South Dakota for our kids and grandkids.

Addressing the Stigma Around Mental Health and Preventing Suicide

In South Dakota today, about 30,000 adults and 9,000 kids live with serious mental health conditions. With nearly every family and every community impacted, it’s overloaded the system. As a result, too many are falling through the cracks. Too often, there is a stigma surrounding mental health. Life is tough, and when you feel like you’re playing a losing hand, depression or anxiety is more common than you may think.

Revitalizing Rural South Dakota

Small towns are the heartbeat of South Dakota. I’m proud to be from a rural hometown. It’s where I learned the values of hard work and self-reliance, where Bryon and I chose to raise our kids, where we started an insurance business and hunting lodge, and where my family has farmed and ranched for a century.

Making Government More Transparent

Many Americans – and even many South Dakotans – are losing their trust in government. This is particularly true of younger generations. Stories of government ineptitude and scandal doesn’t help much.

Strengthening Families

Strong families have always been the backbone of South Dakota. The kitchen table is where we learn our values. The backyard is where we learn to respect each other.

Modernizing South Dakota’s Correctional System

Safe, secure prisons are a necessary function of government. They’re not an exciting topic, but a functional, effective corrections system is necessary to keep our state safe.

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