contact Seth Magaziner

congress Seth Magaziner Contact information

Here you will find contact information for congress Seth Magaziner, including email address, phone number, and mailing address.

Name Seth Magaziner
Position congress
State Rhode Island
Party Democratic
Office Room 1218 Longworth House Office Building
Phone number (202) 225-2735
email Email Form
Contact Representative Seth Magaziner
Representative Seth Magaziner proudly serves Rhode Island’s 2nd Congressional District.

Seth Magaziner for congress

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Representative Seth Magaziner proudly serves Rhode Island’s 2nd Congressional District.

Representative Magaziner started his career as a public school teacher. Prior to being elected to Congress in 2022, he served as Rhode Island’s General Treasurer for eight years where he spearheaded an initiative to rebuild school buildings across the state and created new clean energy programs at the Rhode Island Infrastructure Bank, creating thousands of jobs and lowering costs for ratepayers.

Representative Magaziner ran for Congress to fight for working people and protect the fundamental rights of all Americans. He is committed to protecting Social Security and Medicare, lowering the price of prescription drugs, and standing up for fair pay and benefits for workers. Magaziner supports a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions and common-sense gun safety legislation to make communities safer.

As a new parent, Representative Magaziner is working to build a country where everyone has a chance to achieve the American Dream, just like his family did. His grandfathers were both sons of immigrants who grew up in poverty. Despite not having much, when they returned from World War II they were able to find good, middle-class jobs – Grandpa Bob as a steelworker in Worcester and his Grandpa Louis as a bookkeeper at a fruit canning company in New York. With those jobs they bought homes, started families, and put their kids through college. This was the American Dream that was so common a generation ago – the promise that with hard work and perseverance, each generation can build a better life for their kids than they had for themselves.

Representative Magaziner believes we can restore the American Dream and expand it to those communities for whom it was never fully realized. He has spent his career fighting for Rhode Islanders and will continue that fight in Washington.

Magaziner lives in Cranston with his wife Julia and one year old son, Max. He considers himself lucky to represent the best district in America.

About Seth Magaziner

Seth is a lifelong Rhode Islander, new dad to Max and husband to Julia. He is running for Congress to fight for the middle class and those working hard to join it. Seth will work to help Rhode Islanders keep up with the cost of living by protecting Social Security and Medicare, lowering the price of prescription drugs, and returning big oil company profits back to consumers. Seth will stand up for a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions and pass common-sense gun safety legislation.

Seth has served as Rhode Island’s General Treasurer since 2015 where he has delivered results for the second congressional district by investing in education, job creation, and clean energy infrastructure. As Chair of the state’s school building task force, Seth led a statewide school construction initiative that created over 28,000 jobs and repaired or replaced over 200 schools like Garden City Elementary School in Cranston and the soon-to-be-completed combined elementary school in Johnston. Seth also launched innovative clean energy financing programs that have helped cities and towns build out solar, wind and climate resiliency projects, saving taxpayers money and reducing fossil fuel emissions. With help from the programs Seth created, the town of West Warwick hasn’t paid an electricity bill on any municipal building in five years.

Over the last eight years, Seth has used his office to fight for things that matter to Rhode Islanders. He helped pass the Reproductive Privacy Act in 2019 that codified the protections of Roe v. Wade into state law, as well as common-sense gun measures like banning guns on school grounds and a red flag law to take guns out of the hands of domestic abusers.

As a new parent, Seth will fight to build a country where everyone has a chance to achieve the American Dream like his family did. Seth’s grandfathers were both sons of immigrants who grew up poor. Despite not having much, when they returned from World War II they were able to find good, middle-class jobs – Grandpa Bob as a steelworker in Worcester and his Grandpa Louis as a bookkeeper at a fruit canning company in New York. With those jobs, they bought homes, started families, and put their kids through college. Their kids, Seth’s parents, both graduated from college and started a business together in Rhode Island, where Seth was raised and has served for the past eight years as General Treasurer. This was the American Dream that was so common a generation ago – the promise that with hard work and perseverance, each generation can leave a better life for their kids than they had for themselves. That American Dream of economic mobility has broken down for many families and was never afforded to others. Seth believes we can only restore the American Dream if we send representatives to Washington who will fight for working people and stand up to the extreme elements in Washington that put their own ambition ahead of doing what is right. Seth has spent his career fighting for working Rhode Islanders, and is ready to bring that fight to Washington.

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